
Extend the lifetime of your Immergas boiler

Your boiler is the central component of your hydronic heating system. To ensure that your boiler is operating at optimum efficiency at all times, it's important to have an accredited Hunt Heating specialist service your boiler every 1-2 years.

A regular service is a preventative measure that involves minimal disruption to your hydronic system and will ensure that your boiler can run smoothly and safely for many years to come. While Hunt Heating supplies and recommends Italian-made Immergas boilers with market-leading manufacturer's warranties, a regular service is the best way to maintain their efficiency and keep you r energy bills down

Hunt Heating service and warranty agent, trained gas technician with repairs to all makes of Boilers including Immergas, Sime, Ferroli, Baxi. Gas repair also available for all Hot water, gas log heaters, central heaters, space heaters, anything that runs on gas.

Testing boiler setup

Matthew testing boiler set up